Joining the VRC
To be eligible to join the United States Veteran Reserve Corps, you must have a desire to join a dedicated and passionate group of volunteers who have committed themselves to serving their communities and country. Beyond that, the requirements for service are:
1.) No current or past membership or affiliation with any organization with the intent of furthering the aims of, or adherence to and active participation in, any foreign or domestic organizations, associations, movements, groups, or combination of persons which advocates or practices the unlawful, violent, or forceful subversion of the United States, its constitution, or the Laws of the country, its territories, and states; or which seeks to overthrow the Government of the United States or any subdivision thereof.
We are not an antigovernmental militia and do not condone antigovernmental activities within the Veteran Reserve Corps.
2.) Must be mentally and physically capable of conducting the operational duties of the VRC when reasonably requested or ordered to do so, free of prejudice.
3.) No prior felony convictions.
Persons ineligible for service are those who:
1.) Possess extensive criminal records or are convicted of violent crimes, or convicted and registered sex offenders.
2.) Any individual advocating violence against the United States government, or any of its states or territories, or actively searching for an armed unsanctioned militia group (lawfully established State Defense Forces, answerable to the governments of each individual state does not constitute an armed unsanctioned militia.)
3.) Persons less than 18 years of age, or 16 years old without parental consent, or who have not met the academic requirements necessary for their rank and grade.
4.) Those with a medical condition that would preclude them from participating in drills, trainings, and missions. Waivers may be granted by the Commanding General on a case-by-case basis.
5.) Persons dishonorably discharged from the United States armed forces.